Gymtastics GymTools is a resource that delivers fun, fitness and fundamentals for parents, teacher and coaches. Below is just a few products we offer that focus on rolling as our feature movement.
Here are a few products we offer to keep you on the ball.
This warm-up activity is 15 to 18 minutes of fun focusing on aerobic/cardio, basic body movements, body positions and stretching activities. This warm up is sure to add some variety and excitement to any program.
Games using balls and small equipment: These games are designed for any age group to keep active using small equipment or balls. Perfect for instructors to use during classes, summer camps or birthday parties.
Our games are designed for parents, teachers or coaches to help enhance any children’s program. Each game outlines how to play, rules, game duration, variations of game, number of players, equipment needed, game skills, benefits and the degree of difficulty.
Backward Roll, Log Roll and Dive Roll Positions, Progressions & Skills Visual Tools & illustrations: These professionally designed illustration packages are proven to help visually assist the athlete though the positions and progressions of each skill by placing a visual card at each station within a circuit. These visual tools help promote skill development through each stage and level of skill growth.
Transportation Theme Day Pre-School Lesson Plan Package: Rollin, Rollin, Rollin get your bodies Rollin! A great way to keep the children rolling and cartwheeling with this fun theme day. The wheels on the bus, bumper balls, car washes, races, tires and hula hoops helps to make this day really stand out. Guaranteed to be one of the children’s favourites.
Prone and Supine Positions, Backwards Activities, Backwards Rolls, Back Drop Progressions and Pullovers on Bars. Walking, running and jumping backwards makes for a challenging but quirky lesson plan. Super ideas for body positions and loco-motor movement activities. Great for kinesthetic awareness!
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